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Key rings

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Greek key chains are everywhere in Greek souvenir shops. If you've been to Greece, you've no doubt come across the many phallus-shaped objects, which in addition to providing a good laugh also have a great cultural significance behind them. Phallus objects are linked to the Greek god Dionysus, who was the god of wine and ecstasy, and are said to promote fertility and prosperity. In ancient Greece, phallic objects were often used in theatres, including the theater of Dionysus, where they brought lighthearted atmosphere and loud laughter to the audience.

Dionysus is the son of Zeus and Seleme, and was worshiped throughout Greece in ancient times. Women in particular worshiped him by means of rituals in the mountains at night, and these women were named the Maenads. It is said that through these rituals the women gained unimaginable powers and became one with Dionysus.

Another typical Greek symbol is the Blue Eye, also known as "Mati". It is said that this eye protects us from evil eyes, and is called The Evil Eye in English. By wearing the symbol on the body or hanging it above the entrance to our home, the eye will protect by reflecting evil glances back to people who try to hurt us, in the form of, for example, jealousy, wishes for misfortune or evil thoughts. The eye is often given as a gift to newborns or pregnant women to give the child the best start in life.